Z Service Plan

System downtime, viruses, spyware, loss of productivity… Are the computer systems you rely upon to run your business not working consistently and as expected? These distractions are unnecessary, time consuming and very expensive..

At Z-Tech, we understand this. We also know that businesses are constantly challenged by the task of managing the demands of business growth while coping with continuous technology challenges.

Our focus is to keep your IT systems operational, available and secure so that you can focus on the everyday demands of expanding your business, managing costs and increasing revenues. We’re here to help you realize the productivity gains and ROI you have been expecting from your computer systems all along.

The Z Services Plan provides affordable proactive IT management and support to growing businesses. Utilizing our unique IT automation framework for providing managed services, Z-Tech provides a range of proactive services to keep your computer systems up and running and your people and business productive.

Some of the benefits you will experience are

  • Proactive vs reactive IT management
  • Hardware lifecycle management from sales to installation, maintenance and disposal
  • Automation of key IT tasks
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Access to a staff of technical experts for you and your users
  • A complete managed process for getting users connected to the business Cloud Central network platforms
  • Web based ticketing system for submission of issues and related tasks
  • Increased productivity